Peer reviewed papers:

(1) Yazhen Gong, Shanjun Li, Nicholas J. Sanders, Guang Shi. The mortality impact of fine particulate matter in China: Evidence from trade shocks. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management2022,102759.

(2) A new national environmental law with harsh penalties and regulated discretion: Experiences and lessons from China (with Xiao Zhu, Lin Ding and Haoyang Li). Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022, 181,106245.

(3)  Yazhen Gong, Xiang Bi and Jian Wu, 2020. Willingness to pay for the conservation of the endangered Red-crowned Crane in China: Roles of conservation attitudes and income. Forest Policy and Economics, 120(102296).

(4)  Valuing wetland ecosystem services based on benefit transfer: A meta-analysis of China wetland studies (with Jingbo Zhou and Jian Wu), 2020. Journal of Cleaner Production, 276, 122988, 1-11.

(5) Burning or Retaining Crop Residues on Croplands?  An Integrated Analysis for Crop Residue Management in China (with Jinghua Chen, Shaoqiang Wang, Baozhu Guan, Juraj Balkovic, Florian Kraxner).  Science of the Total Environment, 662,141–150.

(6) Energy use and rural poverty: Empirical evidence from potato farmers in Northern China (with Zihan Li and Kevin Chen), 2019. China Agricultural Economic Review, 11(2), 280-298.

(7) Bridging vs. Bonding Social Capital and the Management of Common Pool Resources (with Kathy Baylis and Shun Wang), 2018. Land Economics, 94(4), 614-631.

(8) Michael Bennet, Yazhen Gong and Ricardo Scarpa, 2018.  Eco-compensation for Coastal Wetlands Protection: A Choice Experiment Assessment of Community Co-management Options for China’s Jiangsu Yancheng Rare Bird National Nature Reserve.  Ecological Economics, 154, 71-87.  

(9) Exploring the Value of Overseas Biodiversity to Chinese Netizens based on Willingness to Pay for the African Elephants Protection (with Zhengzao Wang and Xianqiang Mao), 2018.  Science of The Total Environment, 637-638, 600-608.

(10) What Determines the Spatial Distribution of Nature Reserves in China? (with Jian Wu and Junjie Wu), 2018.  Land Use Policy, 77, 31-42.

(11) How do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Land Tenure? Theory and Evidence from China (with Zhaoyang Liu and Andreas Kontoleon), 2018.  Ecological Economics, 144, 195-213.

(12) The Role of Bonding and Bridging Social Capital for the Intensity of Farmers’ Climate Change Adaptation in Upper Mekong River Basin Area (with Hao Li, Jun Pang, Moon Parks and Charlotte de Fraiture), 2018. Climatic Change, 149, 75-89.

(13) Fragility of cooperation in a globalizing world (with Juan Cardenas, Manita Ale, Ram Bastakoti, Adriana Bernal, JuthathipChalermphol, Hoon Shin, Ganesh Shivakoti, Yibo Wang and John Anderies), 2017. PNAS, 114 (5) :921-925

(14) Farmers’ risk preferences and pesticide use decisions: evidence from field experiments in China (with Kathy Baylis, Robert Kozak and Gary Bull), 2016.  Agricultural Economics, 47(4), 411-421.

(15) China’s carbon emissions from fossil fuels and market based opportunities for control (with Maximilian Auffhammer), 2015.  Annual Review of Resource Economics, 7:24.1–24.24.

(16) A comparison of mode effects between face-to-face and drop-off contingent valuation surveys (with Hua Ma, Hui Liu, JianjunJin, Xiangqiang Mao), 2015. China Agricultural Economic Review, 7(3): 510 – 527.

(17) The governance of integrated ecosystem management in ecological function area (with Jian Wu, JingboZhou, XiaoxiaWang, A Yan and Jixi Gao), 2013. Regional Environmental Change, 13, 1301-1312. 

(18) Participation in the First CDM Project: The role of property rights, social capital and contractual rules (with GaryBull and Kathy Baylis), 2010.  Ecological Economics, 69, 1292-1302.

(19) Modeling climate change impacts on water trading (with Bin Luo and Imran Maqsood), 2010. Science of the Total Environment, 408 (9), 2034-2041.

Papers in submission:

(1) Yazhen Gong, Shanjun Li and Guang Shi and Nicolas Sanders, 2022. The Mortality Impact of Fine Particulate Matter in China. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (Revised & Resubmitted).


Papers in progress

(1) Yazhen Gong and Jinhua Zhao, 2022. Defending against air pollution: The role of active information nudge and attention.

(2) Ke Chen, Yazhen Gong and Jinhua Zhao, 2022.  Facemasks are effective against PM2.5 pollution: Evidence from the field.

(3) Ujjayant Charkrarvorty, Xiangzheng Deng, Yazhen Gong, Martino Pelli and Qian Zhang, 2022.  Roads and Resources: Groundwater Depletion in Lankao Country in the North China Plains.

(4) Juan Camilo Cardenas, Yazhen Gong and Jiakun Zheng, 2022. Risk as excuses for selfishness: Evidence from public goods games with rice farmers in four developing countries


Other peer reviewed papers and NBER working paper:

(1) Deforestation, Forest Management and Governance.  Encyclopedia of Life Sciences(with Nicole Klenk., Warren Mabee and Gary Bull), 2012. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Published Online: 17 SEP 2012, DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003293.pub2

(2) Bridging vs. Bonding Social Capital and the Governance of Common Pool Resources (with Kathy Baylis and Shun Wang), 2013.  National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper 19195.


Handbook/Book chapters:

(1) The Economics of Fossil Fuels and Pollution(with UjjayantChakrarvorty), inA. Balisacan et al., Economics of Sustainable Development: Risk, Resources and Policy, 2014, Elsevier.

(2) Water Allocation under Distribution Losses: A Perspective(with UjjayantChakrarvorty), in K. Burnett et al, Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions, 2014, Routledge.

(3) Payment for Ecosystem Services: Lessons from Developing Countries (with Ravi Hedge and Gary Bull), in S. Kant and J. Alavalapati,Handbook of Forest Resource Economics, 2013, Routledge.

(4) How do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Land Tenure? Theory and Evidence from China (with Zhaoyang Liu and Andreas Kontoleon), 2018.  Ecological Economics, 144, 195-213.